Skipper: Rob Macfarlane

Rob and the 'Beetle were all geared up to do this race in 1994, but during that year's Singlehanded Farallones, Rob slipped, fell down the companionway and broke his wrist. The cast came off a few days before the SSS TransPac but, notes Macfarlane, "I wasn't ready, work wasn't ready to let me go and it just wasn't happening."

Two years later, boat and skipper are beyond ready. All SSS TransPac boats undergo preparation, but few to the extent of Tiger Beetle. Among jobs Rob has completed: "Replaced shrouds and lifelines. Added cutter stay for storm jib (and a new bulkhead to take its load). Installed Harken furling gear. Installed runners. Built a new boom and gooseneck fitting. Bought every camcleat Harken ever made and bolted it to deck. Built dodger. Built instrument pod. Rebuilt icebox. Led all halyards internally. Led all other lines aft. Strengthened rudder shaft. Replaced cabin windows with 1/4-inch Lexan. . . . " The list goes on and on.

Rob's anticipated rest patterns differ from those of most competitors. "I tend to be up in the day, asleep at night," he says. "This may not work best in the trades, when the biggest squalls are at night, so I may have to modify things then. I usually go to sleep about midnight. I'll wake up every hour to check sail trim and look for stuff to hit, then back to sleep."

Rob, who turns 34 four days before the start of the race, grew up sailing with his parents. He bought Tiger Beetle in 1989, purely as a place to live. His father talked him into racing the boat and the rest, as they say, is history. Rob's parents are currently on a slow cruise to Alaska, and plan to follow their son's progress via daily calls to Sarita May, Rob's girlfriend, whom he'll call every day on SSB.

Navigation: Magellan GPSs (2), Loran, sextant backup; Steering: Monitor wind-vane, Alpha autopilot; Food: Simple canned soups, pasta, cheese; frozen lasagna and stew. "Carrying fishing line, so I may have sushi."

Singlehanded Sailing Society
P.O. Box 1716, Mill Valley, CA 94942
415-332-5073 or 707-745-6979

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