TransPac 981998 Singlehanded TransPacific Yacht Race Inspection Check List

Boat Name ___________________ Boat Type ___________________
Skipper Name __________________ Sail Number __________________
Length on deck between 20 and 60 feet ________
Monohulls: self-righting, self-bailing cockpit, watertight enclosed accommodations ________
Multihulls: float indefinitely inverted, self-bailing cockpit, watertight enclosed accommodations ________
All deficiences noted in the marine survey have been corrected
Multihull & Monohull 
5.2.bWhisker pole length 
5.2.f Water ballast 
5.2.g Other transferable ballast 
8.2 Cockpit and openings 
8.3 Storm covers 
8.4 Seacocks/valves/plugs 
8.5.a Lifelines 
8.5.b Jackstays 
8.6 Safety harness 
8.7 Reefing mainsail/trisail 
8.8 Galley 
8.9 Food for 30 days 
8.10 Water (15 gal., 2 containers) 
8.11 Fire extinguishers 
8.12 PFD, name, whistle, strobe 
8.13 Cockpit bilge pump 
        Second bilge pump 
8.14 Anchor 
8.15 Flashlights, two 
8.16 First aid kit 
        First aid manual 
8.17 Manual horn 
8.18 Radar reflector 
8.19 Running lights 
8.20 Batteries (2, 80 AH total) 
8.21 Battery charger 
8.22 VHF radio 
        Masthead antenna 
        Emergency antenna 
8.23 Masthead strobe 
8.24 White flare 
8.25 Compass 
        Deviation card 
        Spare compass 
        Deviation card 
8.26 Chart 18022 
        Chart 19004 
        Chart 19381 
8.27 Sextant 
        Sight tables 
        Time check radio

8.28 Depth sounder 
8.29 Knot log 
8.30 GPS 
8.31 Tools 
        Sever standing rigging 
8.32 Emergency tiller 
8.33 Emergency rudder 
8.34 Sail repair kit 
8.35 406 EPIRB 
8.36 Liferaft 
        Sea anchor 
        Repair kit 
        Attached Kit 
        Parachute flares (4) 
        Handheld flares (4) 
        Smoke flares (2) 
        Food, water for 4 days 
8.37 Hatchboards on lanyards 
8.38 Fuel shutoff valve 
8.39 Two halyards 
Multihulls Only 
9.1.a Length + beam >= 40 feet 
9.1.b Watertight forward bulkheads 
9.1.c Harness anchor point (inverted) 
9.1.d Access hatch (inverted) 
9.1.e Sheets quickly released 
9.1.f Mainsail reefing 
9.1.g Permanent backstay 
9.1.h Safety netting 
9.1.j Survival suit/wet suit 
9.1.k Single tether anchor point 
Multihull & Monohull 
11.1 Hull race numbers
Note: This is the form that will be used for inspections during the week of 6/22/98. This copy is included in the race packet for your information only - do not turn it in with your entry. 
TransPac Race Chair: Terry McKelvey - (510) 527-9433

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1998 Singlehanded TransPacific Yacht Race
Singlehanded Sailing Society
P.O. Box 1716, Mill Valley, CA 94942

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