May 24, 2012 - Flew from Kauai to Honolulu, rented a car, drove to Kaneohe and north to Kualoa Beach park where Malihini was anchored. Met Canadian owner and drove back to Kaneohe to conclude transaction with notarized Coast Guard Bill of Sale. Drove back to hotel in Honolulu Thursday night.
May 25, 2012 - West Marine early for foul weather jacket, watch, head lamp, other gear. Spent first night on boat, starboard berth forward of galley, dinner aboard.
May 26, 2012 - Saturday morning: Rain. Drove Canadian owners to airport and returned rental car; long bus ride and long walk to dinghy, first night on boat alone.
May 27, 2012 - Sunday: Long dinghy ride and long walk to bus and back; had to use large bolt cutters to cut (jammed?) cable holding dinghy and motor ashore.
May 28, 2012 - Voyage #1 - Monday afternoon: Weighed anchor and moved (motored) boat 4.7 NM out of Kualoa to anchor near HEEIA KEA pier.
May 29, 2012 - Voyage #2 - Tuesday morning: Weighed anchor and motored to Kaneohe Yacht Club (KYC) guest dock. Six very comfortable nights waiting for weather to moderate, warm showers, shore power, great food and drink, 20 minute bus ride to/from Kailua (laundry, Whole Foods, restaurants). Mahalo KYC, beautiful club.
June 1, 2012 - Friday: Two crew fly over from Kauai; Sam and Cairene.
June 2, 2012 - Saturday: Sail #1 - inside Kaneohe Bay main channel. Sam, Cairene and JO, single reef main and staysail. Forgot to stow fenders, forgot to lower a daggerboard. Track in Google Earth: First_Sail.kmz
June 3, 2012 - Sunday: Doug Gibson (75 years old) arrived Sunday afternoon. Doug spent three years building Malihini before launch in 1995 and has sailed her extensively since then. He provided us tremendous knowledge and security about how to prep and sail Malihini.
June 4, 2012 - Monday: Sail #2 - Depart Kaneohe. The four of us cast off the KYC dock around 4:15pm. Track in Google Earth: Track_001.kmz
Nawiliwili_2013_Dec_22a.kmz - Nawiliwili_2013_Dec_22b.kmz
Nawiliwili_2013_Dec_1a.kmz - Nawiliwili_2013_Dec_1b.kmz
Hanalei_2013_1029b.kmz -
~244' difference? (swing?)
June 5, 2012 - Tuesday: Arrived in Hanalei around 9:30am (just a few hours prior to the transit of Venus). Full moon, broad reach on starboard tack, no rain, ~18 knots max. wind near Oahu, light wind near Kaui. 17 hours elapsed, average speed: ~7 knots, max. ~12+ knots surfing on 6' swell. Photos of Doug and I, approaching Hanalei: P6050325.JPG P6050319.JPG
June 7, 2012 - Sail #3 - Weighed anchor and sailed out of Hanalei, double handed for two hours (KK, JO), reefed main and staysail; fixed bad chain lead on anchor roller. Re-anchored same spot.
June 16, 2012 - Found same two screws loose again on starboard tiller rudder post cap. 1/4" X 20, 1" long. Same condition in which boat was found at Kualoa. These screws hold cap on square rudder post with bolt for lifting tiller. Believed fixed prior to leaving Kaneohe (1/4" tap, lock-tight); threads loose, needs more.
June 23, 2012 - Replaced 1/4" screws with 5/16" allen head bolts, 1.5" long
July 27, 2012 - Motored five miles out of anchorage to three mile boundary, singlehanded. Used electric macerator pump "kit" to discharge starboard holding tank (success!).
August 4, 2012 - Saturday: Sail #4 - Weighed anchor and sailed out of Hanalei, double handed for two hours (JO, Alison T), reefed main and "lapper" jib. Two problems: 1) port tiller connection came apart, a screw and bushing are gone. Here is the same connection on the starboard side. 2) After half a dozen strokes rowing the dinghy from the boat toward shore, one of the rubber oarlocks tore off the dinghy, making it impossible to row further. Luckily, we were still close to the boat and upwind, so we managed to paddle over, hang on and beg a tow ashore from one of the charter guys.
August 5, 2012 - Sunday: Sail #5 - Weighed anchor and sailed out of Hanalei, double handed for two hours (JO, John M), reefed main and "lapper" jib. Great sail! On the way back, we noticed that a 36" seam had parted near the head of the mainsail.
August 6, 2012 - Monday: removed mainsail from boat for sail repair.
August 13, 2012 - Monday: loaded dinghy to return repaired mainsail to boat and discovered that 2hp two stroke Yamaha outboard wouldn't start and had leaked fuel. I over filled the tank on August 6th which fouled the carb and caused the leak. Then found that three of four screws holding the engine cover in place are seized and can't be broken loose, despite PB-Blaster and all efforts. New Honda 2hp four stroke costs $969. Only option is to risk rowing with repaired oarlock.
August 15, 2012 - Wednesday: dinghy engine "fixed itself" and started again late last night! Took repaired mainsail to boat today, re-attached battens and cars. Installed, hoisted and furled main with repaired mainsail cover.
August 16, 2012 - Thursday: Sail #6 - Great sail, no problems! Makai M. and JO sailed with full main (no reef) and lapper, 12.4 mile figure eight toward Kilauea and Anini. Track in Google Earth: makai-001.kmz
August 19, 2012 - Sunday: Sail #7 - Makai M., JO and three passengers sailed with full main and lapper, 14.3 miles to Kalihiwai Bay. Track in Google Earth: makai-002.kmz
August 21, 2012 - Tuesday: Sail #8 - Pete W., Frank H. and JO (3 "captains"!). Full main, experimented with sail trim, changed from large "lapper" jib to staysail, noted (again) more lee helm on port tack than on starboard. One mainsail slide strap parted. 17.2 miles. Track in Google Earth: pete-001.kmz
August 25, 2012 - Saturday: Sail #9 - Na Pali coast and back! Pete W., Frank H., Tina and JO. Full main and "lapper" both directions, wet bash to windward on return. ~24 miles in less than ~3 hours. Partial track in Google Earth: pete-002.kmz
video: Malihini sailing Na Pali coast, Aug 30, 2012
video: Malihini sailing Na Pali coast, Sep. 6, 2012
video: Malihini with dolphins, Hanalei, Kauai, Oct. 6, 2012
August 30, 2012 - Thursday: Sail #10 - Na Pali coast and back! Ulrich M., Andy A., Susie and JO. Full main and "lapper" both directions, wet bash to windward on return. 18.4 miles in 2.5 hours. Found dinghy outboard propeller shear pin sheared off from previous landing, repaired on board; later, dinghy engine died repeatedly, cause unknown. (NOTE: It appears the dinghy outboard was only out of gas. The tank was very nearly empty. (doh!) I set it up at home in a garbage can, it ran for a little while and stopped like before. Then I filled the tank and it ran fine, for at least five minutes.) Sheathing parted on port running backstay retractor. Video. Track in Google Earth: ulrich-001.kmz
September 6, 2012 - Thursday: Sail #11 - Na Pali coast, motor back. Kiki A., Belinda and Gary W., Melissa D. and JO. Full main and genoa (1st time) down wind, staysail up wind. 20.2 miles in 4 hours. Poorly controlled jibe likely caused small tear at mainsail slider grommet. Alarming degree of mast flexing (noted later in video) due to not being diligent with the running back/check stay on the windward (starboard) side, going down wind. Na Pali was socked in with mist and clouds, barely visible until we turned around west of Hanakapiai. Light wind on return, one severely seasick crew led to decision to motor back to Hanalei. Video. Track in Google Earth: kiki-001.kmz
September 20, 2012 - Thursday: Re-anchored the boat in deeper water, further from shore, in anticipation of first big swell of the season excepected Saturday night, Sunday and Monday. ~1,700' from the beach at the pavilion and ~1,700' from the pier. "Route" in Google Earth: swell_anchorage.kmz
October 6, 2012 - Saturday: Sail #12 - Very light air, brief sail from Hanalei to Lumahai. Roberta G., Lori, John M. and JO. Followed by dolphins for many minutes!! Video. Track in Google Earth: roberta_001.kmz
October 8, 2012 - Monday: Sail #13 - Departed Hanalei for Nawiliwili, refuge from expected large NW swell. John M., Randall H. and JO motored out around Princeville at 8:30am, found favorable wind and had good sailing around to Anahola in about 3.5 hours. Motored briefly, sailed again tacking into "fresh" SW breeze, then motored last hour near shore. ~35 nautical miles. Arrived ~3:30pm, ~7 hours elapsed. Track in Google Earth (first half was lost): nawiliwili_001.kmz
October 12, 2012 - Friday: second drive to Nawiliwili this week (paid two week fee yesterday), this time used stand-up board to paddle out, lash tillers, secure mooring bridle and windlass, ventilate hulls: nawiliwili_002.kmz
October 24, 2012 - Wednesday: 572' from the end of the inner harbor breakwater: nawiliwili_003.kmz
November 12, 2012 - Monday: Randall H. and JO set new 55 lb. Rocna anchor. Dinghy outboard kill switch failed on way back to shore. Moved boat slightly, ~80' south and ~40' west, perhaps too close to shallows(?): Nawiliwili_004.kmz
December 18, 2012 - Tuesday: Randall H. and JO get ride from Mark F. to replace broken starboard bridle. Not until we're aboard do we find the reason it had parted; another boat drifted into Malihini and part of the starboard bow is gone! Banged up the starboard side too. Rocna anchor still holding well.
December 23, 2012 - Sunday; position after repair at dock - Nawiliwili_2012_Dec_23c.kmz :
December 1, 2013 - Sunday; GPS tracks to and from anchor position, compared to arrival track :