'jt_utils' src: jt_.js

wingo.com is full of them...
description: basic utility functions, commonly used....
main methods:
showHideElm: function(elm, showIt)
showNoneElm: function(elm, showIt, showStyle)
showHide: function(divName, showIt)
showNone: function(divName, showIt, showStyle)

strEmpty: function(st)
zInt: function(val)
zFloat: function(val)

valPx: function(pixels)
moveTo: function(obj, x, y)
Point: function(x, y) // returns a "Point" object with '.x' and '.y' properties
getOffsetXY: function(obj, findID, point)
	// returns 'jt_Point' object with '.x' and '.y' offsets of 'obj' relative to page
	// or relative to optional 'findID', if 'findID' is found as a parent

addListener: function(obj, evType, fn)
remListener: function(obj, evType, fn)
fixE: function(ev)
setOpacity: function(elm, opacity)
currStyle: function(divToRead) // return current (derived) CSS style object
width: function(divToRead, currStyle)
height: function(divToRead, currStyle)

winW: function()
winH: function()
scrollLeft: function()
scrollTop: function()

htmlEncode: function(st)
htmlDecode: function(st)
parseQuery: function(queryString) // converts name/value pairs in 'queryString' to JS object

getKeycode: function(e)
onEnter: function(e, callFunc) {

delChildren: function(elm) // remove all child nodes of 'elm' from DOM and delete them
objCount: function(obj)

objJSON: function(obj)
objClone: function(obj)
hyphenCamel: function(cssName)
cssApply: function(cssList, toDIV)
jsonToHTML: function(parent, json, jsonMap, mapToID)

tagCloud: function(options) { // options: numTags, showCount, list, addTo, addTag, fracs, title, valAttr

alignCorner: function(elmToMove, elmAnchor, TlTrBlBr, xOffset, yOffset)
divOnScrn: function(divOnScrn)
appendRelative: function(dragDIV, newParentDIV, xOffset, yOffset)
plural: function(qty, lbl)

htmlVuSrc = function(src)
AjaxToSrc = function(url, toDIV, req)

boxOverlap = function(objectA, objectB, mode, xOffsetA, yOffsetA, xOffsetB, yOffsetB)

isIE = (BrowserDetect.browser == 'Explorer');
FixIE6 = jt_.isIE && (BrowserDetect.version < 7);

SelectTags.hide: function()
SelectTags.show: function()
